Builders are essential for creating new housing options in the real estate market. Since Marketplace Homes specializes in new construction by offering many solutions to close more deals, we wanted to create content for our valued builders. So, one of our 2023 goals was to create a web series that speaks directly to our builder reps.  

In January 2023, the Marketplace Homes Marketing Team launched season 1 of Breaking Ground, a web series exclusively for builders and builder reps. Running from the beginning of the year until June, season 1 capitalized on current events relevant to the builder space.  After a short break, we plan to return in the late summer/early fall to bring you Season 2!

Andy Satkowiak, CRO of Marketplace Homes, is the show’s host, presenting current events in rapid succession, balancing facts with playful banter. Then, each episode concludes with the irresistible meme of the week selected by Robby Palmer, our very own Digital Marketing Specialist. Robby also records and digitally edits every episode.  

andy satkowiak host of breaking ground

Andy Satkowiak, Host of Breaking Ground!

Breaking Ground on YouTube 

If you want to catch up on all the 20 episodes of Breaking Ground, you can subscribe to its YouTube channel. Here you will find all our episodes plus some hilarious shorts. In each episode, our team combed through the internet to find the most relevant news that directly affect the builder industry. Here are some of our best moments: 

  • Metaverse Home Showings: In Episode 3, we had a fun time sharing some innovative ways builders have been showing homes through the metaverse. And, of course, the meme of the week is superb. 
  • The Spoof on Terminator 2: In Episode 6, things get zany when Robby goes into creative nostalgia overdrive, weaving in a scene from Wayne’s World to talk about the AI Takeover in Real Estate (and the world at large). Then, things get very “meta” as the scene pans to Robby himself 
  • Shooting the breeze about Mortage Subsidy Drama: Right before Episode 15 aired, the real estate world got hit with some news that went viral like our blog post did on Reddit. Mortgage fee subsidies to aid lower credit score borrowers came into effect, causing many people to ask questions. However, with updates to the information, it was relieving to see that the changes weren’t as dramatic as once imagined.
  • Sharing Cool Mortgage News: By the time we filmed episode 19, the high interest rates that have been plaguing the real estate space had transitioned from acute to chronic, so we were excited to share Rocket Mortgage’s new 1% Down Mortgage Program. 

You will find these magical moments and more when you catch up on season 1 on YouTube or our Breaking Ground official website!

breaking ground youtube episodes

Breaking Ground Season 2 is Coming 

The news doesn’t stop, so we don’t plan on stopping either. Now that Season 1 is wrapped up, we’re taking a short break but will return with even more news, more real estate banter, and more amazing memes of the week. We are planning bigger and better things to make this the best season yet, with guest speakers, cameos, and maybe even some field trips to construction sites! The possibilities are endless, and we’re excited to bring more builder-centered news and entertainment to our growing audience. 

A Special Thanks to Our Builder Reps 

New Construction Home builders play a vital role in our communities from a local to national level. By providing new housing in a market where low inventory has been a consistent pain point, builders give hope to the many homebuyers that are having a hard time finding a resale home. Thank you, builders, for being a vital part of the real estate life cycle and providing much-needed housing for today’s buyers and renters! We love working with you, offering unique solutions to help you close more deals!